Anger is a normal emotion with adaptive functions. It can help us notice something wrong, overcome obstacles, solve problems, and make social change. However, anger becomes problematic when it starts disrupting your day-to-day functioning. If left unchecked, anger can lead to aggression and other harm.
Here are some indicators that can help you understand if your anger needs further attention and management:
Frequency: The more frequently you experience anger outbursts, the more disruptive they tend to be.
Latency: Reacting too quickly can lead to impulsivity and failure to consider the consequences.
Intensity: High-intensity anger is almost always problematic, as it can lead to actions that might harm others.
Duration: Long-lasting anger can cause negative thoughts and beliefs to emerge.
Inability to control: When you feel unable to control your anger.
Unhealthy expression of anger: When you express your anger through disruptive behaviors such as self-harm.